Dec.8th 14:30 Admission 500 yen
- This is Rakugo by Showto (笑人)
- Eye doctor by Marumaru (四笑亭〇丸)
- I hate pizza by Merin (ぷりん亭芽りん)
- Workshop by Showto (笑人)
- Where is it from? by Charlie (須磨乃家茶里)
- Judgement of Mr.Tengu by Kitty (西ノ家喜亭)
<Photo Album>
<嬉しいことに有料で初の公演に熱心なお客様> <自信と希望をもって前進します!>
<This is Rakugo by Showto> <Eye doctor by Marumaru>
<I hate pizza by Merin> <Workshop、皆でお稽古のあと、スイスの女性と>
<カナダの男性がショート落語を好演> <Where is it from ? by Charley>
<Judgement of Mr.Tengu by Kitty> <喜亭さんの桜吹雪で大団円、和気アイアイの打ち上げへ>